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China's box-office hits new high
Updated: 2004-10-12 10:32

China's film box-office receipts hit a new high during the week-long National Holiday, headed by a jump of more than 8 million yuan (US$964,000) in Beijing, Xinhua news agency said on Monday.

Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai arrives for the preview of his latest movie "2046" in Beijing. [AFP]
But many films had little exposure because of the limited number of screens, Gao Jun, a senior official of Beijing Xin Ying Lian Film Co. Ltd., a film distributor, was quoted as saying.

"Though many eye-catching films were jammed in the short period, they all managed to gain deserved box office. But they could have earned more if enough cinemas and screens had been available," Gao said.

China introduced two extra "Golden Week" holidays, including last week's National Day break, to encourage consumer spending and boost the economy.

Directed by Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai, "2046" made 28 million yuan (US$3.38 million) nationwide and "New Police Story,"starring Jackie Chan, made 42 million yuan, including 4 million yuan made in one day, Xinhua said without giving a total for box-office receipts.

By October 7, the last day of the holiday, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," the third in the series, had drawn 40 million yuan nationwide in China, where watching fake DVDs, available on every street corner, at home is far more popular than going to the theatre.

China guards what its 1.3 billion people can see on television and in theatres. Films or programmes with explicit sexual and other inappropriate themes are under tight leash.

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