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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2004-11-18 11:09

Liu Jialing starts new biz


Liu Jialing starts new biz


Hong Kong evergreen beauty Liu Jialing, alias Carina Lau gears up in the business arena by running an around the clock commerce TV Mart channel.

At a huge press conference, Carina Lau was announced and warmly welcomed as the mart's CEO.

The project has already cost 188 million Hong Kong dollar in preparations.Several partners from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong are reportedly financing the TV channel.




evergreen  : old ones that are still good or popular(永久的,永葆青春的)

gears up : to put oneself into a state of excited or anxious expectation about an activity(使跃跃欲试,使准备好,使迫不及待)

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