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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2004-11-19 08:53

Huang Lei remakes the phantom lover


Huang Lei remakes the phantom lover


Chinese art house director Huang Lei is gearing up for the remake of"The Phantom Lover".
This new version includes Taiwan actress and hostess Hsi-Yuan Hsu and actor Ho Jun Tung, along with screen couple Huang Lei and Sun Li.

It's the second time that Huang Lei has appeared in this tragic love story after he appeared in the 1985 version that made Hong Kong screen legend Leslie Cheung a household name.

The Phantom Lover is set in 1940's China and tells the story of a talented singer who falls deeply in love with a sweet innocent girl from a wealthy family.

Their love is resisted by the girl's father and the bitter jealousy of her chosen fiancé.




The Phantom Lover : 《夜半歌声》

gear up : to put oneself into a state of excited or anxious expectation about an activity(使跃跃欲试,使准备好,使迫不及待)

remake: creation that is created again or anew(重新拍摄)

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