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Wrinkles won't stop 96-year-old from modeling
Updated: 2005-01-05 10:23

It's never too late to start a new career, even if you're 96 years old — and the new job is modeling cosmetics.

Irene Sinclair,96 years old, appears in the advert dressed in an off-the-shoulder top and silk headscarf next to tick boxes marked "wrinkled?" and "wonderful?" [AP]

Irene Sinclair, a Guyana-born pensioner living in London, is appearing on billboards around Britain this month, wrinkles and all, to help sell Dove, a popular brand of facial cream.

"I've never felt beautiful in my life, but I feel I am now," said Sinclair, quoted in the Daily Mirror newspaper Tuesday. "It's all about growing old gracefull.

"I don't stay indoors," she said. "I try and get fresh air as much as I can by going for walks."

Sinclair is the latest of a number of women — including a half-dozen with "real curves" — which Dove, a Unilever brand, is using to promote itself among women put off by the idea that beauty is defined by tall skinny supermodels.

Last year a survey for Dove, conducted among 3,200 women in 10 countries, found that 31 percent thought they looked "natural" and 29 percent "average" — compared to 2 percent who replied "beautiful."

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