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Japan opens travel visa for expo
Updated: 2005-01-18 23:54

A visiting Japanese minister said Tuesday that the Japanese government plans to give all Chinese citizens the ability to apply for a travel Visa to attend an upcoming exhibition.

Kitagawa Kazuo, minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said this is an interim measure, which will only be valid during the upcoming Aichi Exposition. Japan said that it hopes this measure may enhance the communications between the two countries, and attract more people to visit the exposition.

Until now, only Chinese citizens in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong Province, Shandong Province, Zhejiang Province, Liaoning Province and Jiangsu Province could apply for travel visas to Japan.

He said the Japanese side has informed the Chinese side about this policy, and hopes concrete measures would be implemented as soon as possible.

Kitagawa Kazuo is invited by the Chinese National Tourism Administration.

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