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One-fifth Germans like to dine with Einstein
Updated: 2005-01-21 15:13

One fifth of the Germans want to have dinner together with Albert Einstein if they had the chance, a new survey released on Thursday said.

Einstein is German's most favorite companion for dinner among eleven celebrities in the history, the survey conducted by the TV broadcaster Discovery Channel said.

Pupils and young people are especially enthusiastic at the genius physician who was born in Germany and lived in Berlin for 19 years before he fled the Nazi rule to the United States in 1933.

People aged over 60 said they would rather choose former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer as their companion to dine.

Adenauer ranked three in the "favorite dinner companion" list with Leonardo da Vinci coming to the second place.

A series of activities will be held in Germany this year to commemorate Einstein's 50th anniversary of passing away and the 100th anniversary of the coming into being of his General Theory of Relativity.

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