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Armed forces urged to target int'l cutting-edge tech
Updated: 2005-02-07 22:13

The Chinese Defense Minister has asked the armed forces to target cutting-edge military technologies when he visited the People's Liberation Army's General Armament Department between Sunday and Monday.

Cao Gangchuan, also vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) and State Councilor, extended holiday greetings on behalf of President Hu Jintao and the CMC to all scientists, officers and soldiers working in fields of armament and national defense technology during the visit just a few days before the Chinese Lunar New Year.

"2004 saw remarkable progress in the building of arms, equipment and national defense technology," Cao said.

Cao called on the army to enhance strategic and basic researches and make breakthroughs in key technologies in a bid to "leap forward in its armament development drive."

Director of the PLA General Armament Department Chen Bingde and other senior military officers were present on the occasion.

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