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Updated: 2005-03-29 10:07

Oxford win 151st Varsity Boat Race

牛津战胜剑桥 高校赛艇对抗赛圆满结束

Oxford win 151st Varsity Boat Race
The Oxford University crew celebrate winning the 151st annual Boat Race against Cambridge on the River Thames in London, March 27, 2005.(REUTERS/Russell Boyce)

Oxford's giant crew powered their way to victory over Cambridge in Sunday's 151st University Boat Race on the River Thames.

The heaviest eight in race history used their record 10 kilogram per man advantage to secure a clear-cut victory over the 4.25-mile course.

Their winning time of 16 minutes and 41 seconds was the fourth fastest ever, but 22 seconds outside Cambridge's 1998 record.

"We had the power, and we also had the technique as we showed today," said Oxford cox Acer Nethercott, who had been criticized for his tactics during his crew's defeat in the 2004 edition.

Oxford winner Barney Williams, who was part of the Canadian coxless four dramatically denied Olympic gold by Matthew Pinsent's British crew last summer, said afterwards: "It's just not possible to tell you the elation that we feel at this point. It's just amazing."

Oxford, averaging 98.5 kilogrames per man to the 88.6 kilograms of the Light Blues, took the early lead after Cambridge won the toss and chose the Middlesex side.

The crews, containing four Olympians each, had been hailed as the best ever in terms of quality.

Umpire Boris Rankov kept a tight rein on both crews in the early stages, issuing warnings to prevent a repeat of last year's debacle that saw Cambridge pull away after clashing oars with Oxford.

Cambridge coach Robin Williams left his 11th and final boat race with a defeat before moving to his new job in charge of British rowing's lightweight men's and women's national squads.







牛津队员的人均体重达到98.5公斤,而“浅蓝队”的人均体重仅为88.6 公斤。剑桥队起初在猜硬币中取胜,选择了靠米德尔塞克斯郡的那一边,但牛津队从一开始就一路领先。




Note: 历史上,剑桥赛艇队一直被称为“浅蓝队”,而牛津赛艇队则有“深蓝队”之称。



clear-cut: 干净利落的,清晰的

win the toss
: 掷钱币猜对,猜顺利,获得有利条件,占上风

debacle: 突然的灾难;意料不到的失败

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