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Updated: 2005-04-29 10:15

Presidential dollar coins proposed


Presidential dollar coins proposed
the Lewis and Clark expedition received help from Sacagawea

Before long, American pockets could be jingling with dollar coins engraved with the faces of Ronald Reagan, Millard Fillmore and Bill Clinton, as Congress considers a plan to begin minting dollar coins to commemorate all the past presidents.

Hoping to cash in on the popularity of the state quarter program - which has generated $5 billion in revenue and turned an estimated 140 million Americans into coin collectors - the House of Representatives began debate Tuesday on legislation that could turn the dollar coin into a collectable. The current dollar coin, which made its debut in 1998, features Sacagawea, the young Shoshone interpreter who guided the Lewis and Clark expedition. It has yet to come into widespread use.

The presidential coins would be minted at a rate of four presidents a year, starting with George Washington and working up to the modern day. Every former president, living and deceased, would be on a dollar coin if the bill becomes law. Sitting presidents would be excluded. Supporters hope the new twist would drive up demand for dollar coins that are now gathering dust in sock drawers and coin collections.

"That coin needs some sort of boost to do better," said Michael Castle, who sponsored both the state quarter and the presidential dollar legislation. "The question is, will there be enough demand for a young person to walk into McDonald's and tell the cashier, 'I want a $1 coin in change.' "

Because coins are more durable than bills, the government could save as much as $500 million a year on printing costs if the public embraced the dollar coin, according to a 2002 report by the Government Accountability Office. The government minted just 6.7 million Sacagawea dollars last year, most of them destined for private coin collections.

In addition to the state quarters, the mint is rolling out a series of commemorative nickel designs celebrating the Lewis and Clark expedition.

"We've really seen a coin renaissance in the past few years," said Henrietta Holsman Fore, director of the U.S. Mint. "Coins tell the story of our nation. They help us reconnect with our history."

The dollar coin legislation is expected to win approval in both the House and Senate. But to get to the floor, Castle had to persuade North Dakota, which did not want to have one of its most famous residents, Sacagawea, booted off the dollar coin. The compromise calls for Sacagawea dollars to be minted with the presidential coins - and for the presidential coin rollout to wait until after the Lewis and Clark anniversary celebration ends in 2008.












dollar coin : 1美元硬币

cash in on: 靠...赚钱,乘机利用

state quarter: 50州纪念币。为了庆祝美国50个州的独立,美国造币厂从1999年开始,按照各州加入美联邦的先后,每隔10周推出一个州的25美分纪念币,每年五个,共计划发行十年。每个州的纪念币都是独一无二的,述说一个这个州背后的故事。

the Lewis and Clark expedition: 刘易斯和克拉克探险队。1802年,在当时的美国总统杰斐逊的委托下,美国探险家刘易斯和克拉克进行了从东向西横越美国大陆的首次探险考察。由于当时美国人对密西西比河以西的大面积土地的认识还一片空白,因此杰斐逊总统要求刘易斯和他的探险队在寻找水路的同时,认真记录下这片土地生长的一草一木以及那里的风土人情,让美国人通过这次探险认识到他们国家的全貌。

work up to: 逐渐达到

sitting: 在任期中的,现任的

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