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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-05-18 15:02

"Beijing's Night" entertains Fortune Globe Forum guests


"Beijing's Night" Entertains Fortune Globe Forum Guests
"Beijing's Night" Entertains Fortune Globe Forum Guests

An entertainment gala held for the Fortune Global Forum named "Beijing's Night" was held at the Temple of Heaven Tuesday night.

The mayor of Beijing, Wang Qishan spoke at the beginning of the performance, attended by CEOs, chairpersons and presidents of global firms and domestic enterprises, top government officials and renowned scholars.

The highlight of the performance was a Chinese folk music show accompanied by drumbeats

The gala, which combined Eastern and Western as well as ancient and modern elements displayed some of China's most fascinating cultural traditions.




highlight : 精彩场面,最突出的部分

fascinating: 迷人的,醉人的


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