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Child traffickers get death penalty
Updated: 2005-05-20 09:30

Four people convicted of abducting and selling 19 boys were sentenced to death yesterday by the Kunming Intermediate People's Court in Yunnan Province.

A gang of child traffickers stand on trail for abducting and selling 19 boys at Kunming Intermediate People's Court, Southwest China's Yunnan Province on May 19, 2005. [newsphoto]

Four other accomplices were sentenced to eight to 13 years in prison or to death with two years' probation.

Child traffickers Li Bifang, Jiang Chengpu, Yuan Guiyuan and Liu Weibing will be executed.

The boys they abducted were all between 2 and 6 years old from Fuhai, a town in Kunming, capital of Yunnan. The convicts sold the children in Puning, in Guangdong Province.

The crimes occurred between August 2003 and June 2004. Li and Yuan were captured by public security officers while reselling the children on June 6, 2004. The 19 boys were returned safely to their parents.

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