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Shanghai civil servants told to hit gym
Updated: 2005-05-25 13:55

Shanghai civil servants were being told to hit the gym to combat a rise in obesity and other health problems, the Shanghai Daily reported Tuesday.

The Xuhui District's government said most of its 4,000 employees were severely out of shape, with just 30 percent receiving good or excellent marks on their physical exams, according to media reports.

About 15 percent of the district's bureaucrats were overweight, with most living sedentary lifestyles and making little time for exercise.

The district government had set aside 5 million yuan (US$604,595) to cover the expenses occurring in the gyms for its employees, some Chinese reports said.

The district had told bureaucrats to join one of 25 designated gyms or sports clubs that were offering discounted fees, with those who worked out at least once a week to be reimbursed, it said.

Reports said those failed the next year's physical exams would not be eligible for government's reimbursements.

“The biggest problems among government clerks and officials are obesity, poor functioning of heart and lungs, and poor balance,” Zhang Chengyao of the Xuhui District Sports Administration was quoted as saying.

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