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Updated: 2005-06-03 14:01

Jackie Chan joins media campaign against pirates


Jackie Chan joins media campaign against pirates

Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan battled copyright pirates on Thursday, smashing fake designer watches with a hammer and using a chain saw to destroy a streetside stand hawking counterfeit bags and clothes.

Chan's assault on the illegal industry was part of a skit about him breaking up a counterfeit sales operation. The media event was organized by the International Trademark Association.

The movie star said that piracy is seriously damaging the film industry in Hong Kong. Looking at the counterfeit problem, it really hurts, he said. We used to make 300 movies a year here in Hong Kong. Now there are maybe 50 a year.

Chan used a flurry of karate chops against four assailants wearing Jackie Chan masks. He also cut a tie in half with scissors and ripped apart a pair of counterfeit shoes with his bare hands.

The trademark association said counterfeiting is an industry with a global market value of US$500 billion. It produces goods ranging from baby formulas and DVDs to automotive and aviation parts.




pirate: a person who pirates the work of other people(剽窃者,侵犯版权者)

skit : a short theatrical episode(讽刺话,幽默故事)

karate: a traditional Japanese system of unarmed combat(空手道)

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