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Car bomb north of Baghdad kills 10, wounds 12
Updated: 2005-06-03 18:50

BAGHDAD - A suicide car bomber rammed his car into a building north of Baghdad, killing at least 10 people and wounding 12, the U.S. military said on Friday.

The attack occurred late on Thursday in a village south of the town of Balad, about 80 km (50 miles) north of Baghdad, a U.S. military spokesman said. The information had come from Iraqi authorities in the area.

"We understand that the car blew up in the courtyard of a house," the U.S. spokesman said, adding that the death toll may rise.

Iraq's Defense Ministry confirmed the attack, but had no information on what the motive might have been. There has been a surge in suicide car bombings over the past six weeks, mostly in the capital Baghdad.

Some locals said the victims were Muslim Sufis and that they may have been targeted because of their religion.

Earlier on Thursday, there were at least three other suicide bombings and other attacks around the country, killing more than 20 people and wounding dozens.

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