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Updated: 2005-06-08 15:35

Kidman doesn't judge Cruise's relationship


Vera Wang Best Designers Kidman doesn't judge Cruise's relationship
Australian actress Nicole Kidman presents an award at the 2005 MTV Movie Awards in Los Angeles June 4, 2005. (Reuters)

Nicole Kidman, star of the upcoming movie "Bewitched," is carefully not casting judgment on ex-husband Tom Cruise's relationship with Katie Holmes.

When asked in early May about Cruise's very public romance with Holmes, Kidman didn't address the subject directly.

However, when asked about photographic publicity stunts in general, Kidman tells Vanity Fair in its July issue, on newsstands June 14: "In terms of your life, if you start to exploit it, then what's real, and what's not? What's yours, and what isn't?"

Kidman and Cruise divorced in 2001 after almost 10 years of marriage.

"When it all exploded and we were in Cannes with `Moulin Rouge.' ... `My sister and I slept in the same bed together. She would just hold me," Kidman told Vanity Fair.

"When we came out of the big screening and there were swarms of people, I felt like I couldn't breathe. So I just sort of eyeballed her as if to say, `Help! Help!' Taking absolute control, she took me into the bathroom, unlaced my corset and the dress I was wearing, took my shoes off, and said, `You're going to be OK.'"

Cruise and Holmes were photographed together in Rome in April and later confirmed they were dating. During an appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" last month, the 42-year-old actor exuberantly professed his love for the 26-year-old actress.

He stars in Steven Spielberg's upcoming "War of the Worlds" and Holmes will co-star with Christian Bale in "Batman Begins."




eyeball : (目不转睛地)盯着看,仔细打量

corset: a close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts(紧身内衣)

exuberant: 情感丰富的;非凡的;极度的

profess: 公开承认,明言

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