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Updated: 2005-06-13 16:30

Peter Jackson to produce "The Wolf Totem"


Peter Jackson to produce "The Wolf Totem"
Peter Jackson to produce "The Wolf Totem"

Beijing's Forbidden City Film Company and Peter Jackson's Weta Digital will jointly produce a haunting story about wolves.

They signed a framework agreement for "The Wolf Totem", based on the famous Chinese novel by Jiang Rong.

Mixing history and legend, it tells the story of people on the harsh Mongolian prairies and their contradictory feelings towards wolves.

Zhang Qiang, managing director of Forbidden City Films, said they would use both real wolves and Weta Digital's CG wolves on screen.

Zhang said Peter Jackson read an outline of the book and asked to join the project. Jackson had even considered raising wolves in New Zealand.

Forbidden City estimates the movie will cost 48 million US dollars and the pre-production will take three years to complete.




haunting: continually recurring to the mind; unforgettable(萦绕心头的,难以忘怀的)

The Wolf Totem : 狼图腾

harsh: 残酷无情的,荒蛮的

CG: Camera Gun (照像枪)

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