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School tragedy: Search for victims goes on
By Wang Zhenghua in Ning'an and Zhu Zhe in Beijing (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-06-13 00:50

Soldiers were yesterday searching a muddy river for bodies following the devastating flood which killed at least 92, most of them school children, in Shalan township in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

A Chinese student with injuries on his hand looks at a picture book during a psychology class in Shalan, northeast China's Heilongjiang province, June 13, 2005. [newsphoto]

Last night, as well as the confirmed death toll, at least 15 were still missing.

About 40 soldiers in formation went about their grim task in the waist-deep river a few hundred metres south of the school in Shalan, Ning'an, as they looked for bodies that might have been swept there on Friday.

"I didn't see any bodies this morning," said a villager who, along with about 400 others, arrived from another county to help clear the mud that covered the township school's grounds and nearby areas.

"But on Sunday, they did recover two bodies from the muddy waters, and they were claimed by relatives," he said.

Dozens of volunteers from neighbouring counties also came to help in the clean-up operation; and a few tried to find the missing children on their own.

Zhao Xiaolan, along with a relative, was searching for his 13-year-old nephew who has been missing since Friday, but he was not optimistic. "Chances (of finding the boy) are very slim," Zhao said.

The school playground was totally covered in thick mud yesterday. There were poignant reminders of the tragic events three days earlier: chairs, schoolbags, books and paper lay scattered in the mud. In the drab surroundings, a pink Mickey Mouse bag stood out.

A 2-metre-high children's slide was cloaked in mud, indicating that the flood waters had reached at least that high. The water level inside the classrooms, now looking like wrecks, had touched 2 metres.

In a classroom where about 50 first-graders were reportedly killed, the desks were piled up against the wall with broken chairs strewn over the floor.

Outside the school, the rotting bodies of animals lay, attracting flies and emitting a foul stench.

Meanwhile, there was a semblance of a return to normality with 142 primary students going to school yesterday morning.

Classes were moved to Shalan Middle School, some 2 kilometres away from Shalan Township.

Traumatized students, many terrified of returning to school, were counselled by psychologists from Mudanjiang city.

Local education authorities provided 360 sets of desks, chairs, textbooks and stationery for the resumption of classes.

The central government was said to have earmarked 10 million yuan (US$1.2 million) to rebuild Shalan Central Primary School.

Lu Bing, mayor of Mudanjiang, said the new school would be built on higher ground and construction would be completed before winter.

Huang Mingjun and Li Zuoyu, respectively the Party secretary of Shalan and the chief of its police station, were publicly censured for their negligence and an investigation will be launched.

Before the flood waters reached Shalan, Zheng Changhui, secretary of Hesheng Village on the upper reaches of Shalan River, called the Shalan government and its police station to give a flood warning.

However, no one in the government received the phone call, while the police station said there was nothing they could do because "everyone was out."

"If there had been someone answering the phone, or attaching enough importance to the warning, this tragedy might not have happened," said one mother who lost her 8-year-old daughter.

The governor of Heilongjiang Province Zhang Zuoji expressed his condolences to the victims' families and said he had "an unshirkable responsibility, and would face any disciplinary action."

(China Daily 06/14/2005 page1)

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