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Updated: 2005-06-17 14:52

Chen Kaige's project with Hollywood


Chen Kaige's project with Hollywood
Chen Kaige's project with Hollywood

Chinese director Chen Kaige has Hollywood's backing for a new film about a nineteenth century prostitute who became a national heroine.

He is cooperating with ICP Films on a biopic of Sai Jinhua who lived in Beijing in the late Qing dynasty. It's estimated to cost 100 million yuan, or over 12 million US dollars.

Sai was a courtesan who allegedly changed China's fate during the Boxer Rebellion through her liaison with a German field marshal. She later married a senior government minister.

Big names vying for the lead role include Maggie Cheung, Zhang Ziyi and the director's wife Chen Hong.

Since the film spans the years 1872 to 1936, actresses of different ages will be required to play the main character.

The blockbuster is based on the novel of same name by Chinese writer Zhang Xuan.

Chen Kaige's latest mega-budget film The Promise drew millions in publishing rights from America, England and Australia and impressed audiences at this year's Cannes Film Festival.




backing: 衬背,援助,支持

biopic: a film or television biography, often with fictionalized episodes(传记影视片,名人传记片)

courtesan: a woman who is a prostitute, especially one whose clients are men of rank or wealth(交际花,周旋于高官显贵中的高级妓女,情妇)

liaison: a close relationship, connection, or link; an adulterous relationship; an affair(密切的联系,暧昧的关系)

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