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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-06-22 15:10

"Shanghai Dreams" succeeds at box office


The leading actress Gao Yuanyuan(L) and the director Wang Xiaoshuai(R) of Shanghai Dreams
The leading actress Gao Yuanyuan(L) and the director Wang Xiaoshuai(R) of Shanghai Dreams

The prize-winning film "Shanghai Dreams" has pocketed 400 thousand Yuan in box office sales across China over the weekend.

In Beijing's cinemas, nearly half of the seats have been taken, while only one third of the seats are usually occupied when ordinary foreign blockbusters are screened.

This film came out on screens across China last week.

When asked whether the film "Star Wars" would threaten the box office, the publisher said there would be no confict between arthouse film goers and blockbusters ones.

"Shanghai Dreams" is a love story set among workers who dutifully obeyed the government's call to relocate to factories in a remote new territory in the 1960s. 




Shanghai Dreams : 《青红》

pocket: 收入囊中

arthouse: 艺术院线

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