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Updated: 2005-06-27 14:56

Lucy Liu signs up for two further films

好莱坞华裔女明星刘玉玲最近片约不断,先是决定在著名导演莱斯·梅菲尔德执导的动作喜剧片《清洁工》中担任配角,扮演一位FBI秘密女间谍;此片拍摄结束后还将在另一部恐怖片《Devil to Pay》中出演“单身妈妈”的角色。

Lucy Liu
Lucy Liu signs up for two further films
Lucy Liu has booked back-to-back acting gigs.

First up is The Cleaner, in which Liu will star opposite Cedric the Entertainer.

In the action comedy being directed by Les Mayfield, Liu plays an FBI agent posing as a waitress to Cedric's amnesiac janitor who thinks he's an undercover agent.

Liu will topline and executive produce Devil to Pay, an indie thriller being produced by Echo Lake Productions' Doug Mankoff and Andrew Spaulding as well as IPW's J. Todd Harris.



back-to-back : consecutive(紧挨着的,一个一个连续的)

amnesiac: 记忆缺失的,遗忘(症)的

janitor: 看门人,管理员

undercover: 秘密从事的,被雇进行间谍活动的

indie: 独立经营的

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