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Updated: 2005-06-28 15:18

"Trendsetter" Magazine debuts


"Trendsetter" Magazine debuts
The publisher Pang Wei(L), Chinese mainland actress Huke(M) and actor Xia Yu(R)
A number of presidents from the real estate, IT and fashion industries were present to jointly celebrate the first publication of the magazine, Trendsetter, on Sunday at the Beijing Palm Springs International Club.

The new men's magazine was started by the publisher Pang Wei, who used to be chief editor of Esquire.

Its emergence indicates that the growing trend in high-end men's journals.

Hong Kong actress Peng Dan and Chinese mainland stars Hu Ke and Xia Yu were at the launch of the magazine.

HK star Peng dan says Trendsetter contains a lot of information she looks for in a magazine.

"I like all-around magazines, such as America's People magazine and New York Times newspaper, since I grew up in New York. I not merely read entertainment and fashion journals in everyday life, but I also read about politics, business and humanities.

"I also like men's magazines because I think there is no essential difference between men's journals and women's magazines, as men's lives can also refect women's lives. Magazines for men talk about the same world through the special eyes of men, so they are also useful and meaningful to women."

Trendsetter is aimed at Chinese men aged between 25 to 55, and will be sold at the price of 20 yuan, about 2.5 US dollars.

It concentrates on displaying the outlook, tastes and interests of men in China.



trendsetter: one that initiates or popularizes a trend(创新者,创立一种潮流或使这种潮流风行的人)

humanities: 人文学科

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