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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-06-29 14:32

Concert marks second world war victory


Cui Jian on rehearsal
Cui Jian on rehearsal
A big rock concert will be staged at Beijing's Worker's Stadium on July 1st, to celebrate the Founding Day of the Communist Party of China.

Named "The Peaceful Sky", the concert is to mark the 60th anniversary of victory in the Second World War.

Chinese rock music icon Cui Jian will lead other rocker singers such as Zheng Jun and Gao Qi.

Cui Jian says that he has had a deep hatred of fascism since childhood and he is happy see that the spirit of rock music will triumph in this concert.

Many of the songs performed at the concert are old Chinese songs from the 1930s and 1940s, blended with rock and heavy metal.



fascism: 法西斯主义,极端的国家主义

triumph: 获胜,成功,得意,欢庆

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