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Updated: 2005-07-01 13:56

Jiang Wen plans 3rd directorial effort

继《阳光灿烂的日子》和《鬼子来了》之后,姜文的第三部电影《太阳再次升起》预计10月开机,房祖名、关之琳和周韵都将加盟该片。 这部作品将在北京和新疆取景,片子的风格据说很不寻常,有种“公路片”的味道,来自不同地方、带着不同目的的人同时在一条古道上相遇,其中又不断闪回这条路上过去发生的故事。

Jiang Wen plans 3rd directorial effort
Jiang Wen plans 3rd directorial effort
Chinese actor Jiang Wen is getting ready to direct for the third time, with a project named "The Sun Rises Again".

After In the Heat of the Sun (1994) and Devils on the Doorstep (2000), Chinese actor Jiang Wen is getting ready to direct for the third time, with a project named "The Sun Rises Again".

According to Beijing Youth Daily, the film will tell a group of total strangers meet on an ancient road, recalling the stories occurred on the road.

The paper reports the cast will include Jaycee Chan, Rosamund Kwan and Yun Zhou.

Shooting is scheduled to begin in October in Beijing and China's northwestern region Xinjiang.



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