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Updated: 2005-07-05 14:39

South Korean Rain hits Beijing 

韩国热舞小天王Rain的第三张唱片《It's Raining》已由星文唱片在中国内地独家发行,不到十天全国发货量已超十万,创下韩国歌手在内地的发片记录。7月1日,Rain为宣传新唱片在北京举办“呼风唤雨”歌友会,以及记者见面会、签售会等系列活动,再掀韩流热潮。

South Korean Rain Hits Beijing
South Korean Rain Hits Beijing
South Korean singer and actor 'Rain', famous to Chinese fans for his role the in the TV drama "Full House", showed up in Beijing on Friday to do some promotion for his latest album "It's Raining".

The 23-year-old star appeared at a press conference in the Liberation Army Theater with more than a hundred journalists from both home and abroad in attendance. One lucky special fan was invited to present a map of China map as a gift to the teen idol on behalf of die-hard fans from all over the country.

Rain said he was looking forward to meeting his many fans on his fourth trip to China, and expressed his thanks to those sincere fans who waited for hours at Beijing airport to greet him on Friday morning. Some of those fans were worried that the young star would have a bad impression on them as they were too excited to make a fuss when their idol finally appeared.

But Rain replied that his Chinese fans are kind and simple-hearted, and as a veteran artist, although young, he is not afraid of face-to-face contact with his fans although he would face certain dangerous situations.

Talking about his latest album "It's Raining", the singer said in contrast to his two previous albums, he has added some new elements, such as the choreography and the style of the costumes, and he called it "more mature" than the previous ones.

"It's Raining" is an all-around album, which includes elements R&B, Hip Hop and Punk. Rain said he didn't want to fix his albums in a certain genre, and he would appreciate it if his fans would recognize him as soon as they listened to his music.

On the new album the singer says his favorite track is the title song "It's Raining" - not because he likes rain itself but because he performed most of the song. Now lets have a listen to the song "It's Raining".

Rain says that half his life is dancing and the other half singing, and if were not able to do either anymore he would be at a complete loss.

He is a favorite of many Hong Kong stars, such as Jackie Chan, Stephen Chow and Cecilia Cheung and says that if he had the chance to shoot an action film in China he would be delighted.

Former South Korean ambassador to China, Kwon Byong-hyon, also attended the promotion and said that while there is a "Korean Wave" in China nowadays, there is also a strong "Chinese Wind" blowing across South Korea. He added that stars and artists play very important roles in encouraging cultural exchanges between the two countries.

At the press conference, the Starwin Record Company also announced some good news for Chinese fans: The Chinese version of novel, based on the popular TV series "Full House", will also hit Chinese markets later this year.

Finally Rain wrapped up the talk with his unforgettable and extraordinary pose from "Full House", "A Za A Za Fighting!"



die-hard: 顽固的,死硬的

fuss: needlessly nervous or useless activity; commotion(忙乱,喧闹,不必要的紧张)

choreography: 舞台舞蹈

genre: 类型,风格,流派

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