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Updated: 2005-07-07 14:04

50,000 attend final Live 8 concert

继20年前的Live Aid非洲赈灾义演后,Live 8全球扶贫义演日前再掀高潮。7月2日,全球9个国家举行了共10场大型演出,日、英、美、法、德、意、加、南非和俄罗斯在同一天响起呼吁消除非洲大陆贫困的乐声。Live 8发起人鲍博·吉尔多夫称,10场Live 8音乐会是有史以来“最伟大的音乐会 ”。

Jungle Adventures will be on show in Beijing on August 2.
Supermodel Claudia Schiffer speaks from the stage at the Live 8 - The Final Push concert at Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh, Scotland, Wednesday July 6, 2005. The concert on Wednesday coincided with start of the G8 summit held at nearby Gleneagles. (AP Photo/ Yui Mok,PA)
More than 50,000 music fans and anti-poverty campaigners gathered Wednesday for the last of the Live 8 concerts.

Actor George Clooney and model Claudia Schiffer were among the celebrities on stage in between performances as spectators watched through the rain at Murrayfield stadium .

U2 singer Bono introduced a recorded message from former South African President Nelson Mandela that was played on a big screen for a damp but enthusiastic crowd.

"As long as poverty and injustice can cause inequality to persist in our world none of us can truly rest," Mandela said in the video.

He urged the Group of Eight leaders: "Don't look the other way. Don't hesitate. Recognize that the world is hungry for action, not words. Act with courage."

Schiffer sent a message to the chancellor of her native Germany.

" Gerhard Schroeder, we are watching you. Since you woke up this morning, 30,000 children have already died.

"I myself have got two kids. ... On behalf of all the African mothers, I beg the politicians to do something now," Schiffer said.



stadium: a large, usually open structure for sports events with tiered seating for spectators(露天大型运动场)

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