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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-07-08 14:35

Rain secret stays in HK


Rain secret tays in HK
The real Rain continues to play in Hong Kong, while the 'fake Rain' goes into action to return to South Korea
Originally, Rain was supposed to leave Hong Kong yesterday, but he played the same trick again and sent out a 'fake Rain' to cover his face and leave Hong Kong secretly.

The goal of this plan was so that Rain could have a tour of Ocean Park.

To the outside, they announced that Rain would only stay in Hong Kong for 3 days and the flight would leave in the morning. But 23-year-old Rain with his childlike innocence told his manager to keep his extra stay in Hong Kong a secret and had his personal tour.

Yesterday, 'fake Rain' went into action to lead the reporters away. At approximately 10 am, people were sent to pick up Rain. When the car stopped infront of the hotel, 24 minibuses tagged along. The car that was supposed to have Rain in it finally arrived at the airport and when 'fake Rain' got out of the car and entered the special channel to his flight, he kept his head down and avoided all the reporters and fans.

The plan to avoid the fans was a success. Yesterday afternoon, with the accompaniment of his manager, Rain went to the Ocean Park to play. But yesterday evening, some people posted pictures of Rain in Ocean Park online for sale.

Other than that, over hundred fans went to the airport to send Rain off. They were unable to see the real Rain. They were only able to see 8 staff leave and the airport staff announce that Rain has already left. A group of disappointed fans said unhappily, "Do they have to be so sneaky, we should sue the record company." The fans had not lost heart and waited into the night and wouldn't disperse. They happened to meet a South Korea reporter arrive to Hong Kong for an interview and the fans requested to send a telegram back to the company of Rain's manager to ask about Rain's whereabouts. The reply was that Rain was already back to South Korea, but some one informed the reporter about Rain's decision to keep his stay in Hong Kong a secret to secretly play in Hong Kong. 

                                                               (The Sun Newspaper)


tag along : 尾随

sneaky: furtive; surreptitious(偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼崇崇的)

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