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Day highlights rising HIV in women
By Sun Xiaohua (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-07-11 05:29

Currently, most of those females infected are of child-bearing age. If the epidemic among this group does not receive timely prevention and control, more babies will be infected, resulting in another new problem, said a document released by the Ministry of Health, National Population and Family Planning Commission and All-China Women's Federation.

In Shenzhen, a southern coastal city playing a leading role in HIV/AIDS prevention and control in China, 10 pregnant women were diagnosed with the virus in the first half of 2005.

"The number is bigger than last year, when 14 HIV/AIDS infected mothers were diagnosed during the whole year here," said Feng Tiejian, deputy director of the AIDS Prevention and Control Department under Shenzhen's Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

When a pregnant woman tests positive, the centre will suggest she has an abortion. But if they insist on going ahead with the pregnancy, they will receive treatment to protect the unborn child from being infected, including medication for the mother and delivery by caesarean section.

Up until now, more than 40 infected pregnant women have given birth to healthy babies under the treatment regime in Shenzhen.
Page: 123

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