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Updated: 2005-07-11 15:37

Jay Chow's Unparalleled Concert


Jay Chow's Unparalleled Concert
Jay Chow's Unparalleled Concert
The coolness brought by a sudden shower in Beijing on Saturday afternoon did not last for long; instead the temperature went higher at Worker's Stadium when Taiwan superstar Jay Chow's "Unparalleled Concert" began.

Hanging from a huge Cross, Jay landed on the stage from the air and opened with the song "In the Name of the Father" and tens of thousands of fans' screamed.

Three songs with the theme of Chinese Kung Fu were highly praised. With a stage set of maple leaves and traditional Chinese buildings, Jay acted as a knight fighting, similar to scenes from the film "Hero".

His flute solo and piano duet with guest performer "Nan Quan Ma Ma" demonstrated his talent.

Popular Hong Kong singer and actress Karen Mok surprised the audience when she appeared at the stage as a guest performer.

He sung over thirty songs from his previous albums during the three-hour concert.

Unfortunately the sound equipment broke down during the encore and the concert did close as brilliantly as expected.

Three songs with the theme of Chinese Kung Fu were highly praised. With a stage set of maple leaves and traditional Chinese buildings, Jay acted as a knight fighting, similar to scenes from the film "Hero".

His flute solo and piano duet with guest performer "Nan Quan Ma Ma" demonstrated his talent.

Popular Hong Kong singer and actress Karen Mok surprised the audience when she appeared at the stage as a guest performer.

He sung over thirty songs from his previous albums during the three-hour concert. Unfortunately the sound equipment broke down during the encore and the concert did close as brilliantly as expected.



Nan Quan Ma Ma: 南拳妈妈

Karen Mok: 莫文蔚

encore: an additional performance in response to the demand of an audience(安可节目,观众要求而加演的节目,经要求而再唱一个)

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