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Hu meets with New Party chairman
Updated: 2005-07-12 14:24

He noted that the biggest fruit of the mainland trip is to havea better understanding of Chinese national spirits, which he will take back to Taiwan.

But he also pointed out that the Taiwan authorities have deliberately played down celebrations on China's victory over the resistant war against Japanese aggression on the island, which indicates their evident inclination to "independence".

A student raises a question for Yok Mu-ming, chairman of Taiwan's New Party on a mainland visit, after his speech at the Renmin University of China in Beiing July 12, 2005. [newsphoto]
He also expressed firm opposition to those who still have Japanese imperialist mentality and look down upon their Chinese compatriots, accusing Lee Teng-hui as such a representative.

"Chinese should not fight against Chinese and Chinese should help Chinese," he stressed.

He said that his party is an element of the Chinese nation and will do its utmost to promote national unity.

Yok is the third opposition party leader from Taiwan to lead a party delegation for a mainland trip this year, succeeding to Lien Chan, chairman of Kuomintang (KMT), and James CY Soong, chairman of the People First Party (PFP).

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