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Agriculture discussions open WTO meeting
By Jiang Jingjing and Zheng Yanyan (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-07-13 05:59

G20 proposed a special deal for developing economies to ease their entry into overseas agricultural markets, and reiterated that the concerns of the economies new to the WTO must be effectively addressed.

The group also presented a proposal at the meeting highlighting the three pillars of agricultural negotiations: Domestic support, export competition and market access.

The United States, the European Union (EU) and Japan have all cautionsly welcomed the G20 proposals, calling them a "good starting point" for later negotiations.

EU Agriculture Commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel said she welcomes the G20 initiative.

"The EU is ready to move away from its initial position on its market access position to seek the middle ground between that position and the new G20 proposal," Boel said.

US trade representative Rob Portman said: "It (the G20 proposal) does provide a formula that we believe is a basis upon which we can now find a middle ground to move forward we are prepared to make a move to the middle."
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