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Updated: 2005-07-14 14:52

Chinese "Turandot" thrills Germany


Turandot's first stop in Paris in May attracted 45,000 people
Turandot's first stop in Paris in May attracted 45,000 people
The European tour of the opera "Turandot" by Chinese director Zhang Yimou has held a spectacular finale in Germany.

The massive stage provided a setting reminiscent of Beijing's Forbidden City. Nearly five hundred performers were involved in the production. Renowned singers from Russia and Italy took the leading roles of Princess Turandot and Prince Calaf.

Turandot is a tragic Chinese love story written by Italian composer Giacomo Puccini in 1924. But it was only a few years ago that a Chinese director gave it a native narration. Zhang Yimou, one of China's leading film directors, staged the opera against the backdrop of the Forbidden City in Beijing in 1998. It made a big splash.

Zhang then decided to see how his version would do in Europe. The first stop was Paris in May where 45,000 people took in the stage epic. It was also sold out in Germany.

Audience said, "The sensational performers, the gorgeous costumes and the amazing setting. Oh, it is fantastic, I can only say. "

The success has given Zhang the confidence to stage another show called "Emperor Qinshihuang" next year.



Turandot: 图兰朵

setting: the scenery constructed for a theatrical performance or movie production(布景,为戏剧表演或电影制作而设置的场景)

reminiscent: 怀旧的,回忆的

backdrop: 背景幕,(事件的)背景

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