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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-07-18 14:08

Joey Yung dazzles Shenzhen fans


Hong Kong pop singer Joey Yung
Hong Kong pop singer Joey Yung
Hong Kong pop singer Joey Yung did not disappoint her Shenzhen fans with her first concert at Bao'an Stadium on Saturday night.

All the set-up of concert have been moved from the Hong Kong Coliseum to the stadium to improve the design and sound.

It opened with a bang when Yung flew onto the stage wearing an expensive diamond mask and riding a silver winged horse.

During the first half of the concert, Yung sang many of her award-winning singles; sentimental songs about lost love.

The show heated up in the second half when she appeared in sexy costumes, and performed some pretty steamy dance routines.

The two-and-half-hour show was the second leg of her mainland tour.

Her next concert will be in Foshan at the end of this month.




coliseum: 大体育馆,大剧场,大公共娱乐场

heat up: 加热,升温

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