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 Language Tips > Entertainment
Updated: 2005-07-19 14:22

Beyond says goodbye to fans


Beyond says goodbye to fans
Huang Guanzhong(L), Ye Shirong(M) and Huang Jiaqiang(R)
Hong Kong's romantic-metal all stars Beyond will say goodbye to their fans this year after 22 years in the music business.

Its disbandment has already been announced in Hong Kong, the last stop of its concert tour last year.

But in order to satisfy the passionate die-hard fans, Beyond began its farewell concert tour worldwide early this year.

In Hong Kong, America and Canada, familiar songs inspired the fans with unparalleled enthusiasm.

This concert tour will soon land in Shanghai on September 3rd.

The three members of Beyond will begin their separate careers after the end of this concert tour.

Steve Wong, brother of the late former lead singer and guitarist Koma Wong has already issued his solo album.



disbandment: 解散

die-hard: 顽固的,死硬的

Koma Wong: 黄家驹

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