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China calls for constructive attitude in six-nation nuclear talks
Updated: 2005-07-21 12:49

China has called for all parties in next week's six-nation talks in Beijing on North Korea's nuclear weapons programs to be constructive and flexible to enable the negotiations to make progress.

"We hope that this round of talks can be held smoothly and make substantive progress, this is what all sides and the international community expect," foreign ministry spokesman Kong Quan said of the fourth round of talks.

"We hope that all sides adopt a constructive attitude and continue to show flexibility and sincerity and make unremitting and common efforts to achieve positive results toward resolving the nuclear issue peacefully."

China, the United States, South Korea, Japan and Russia have been trying for nearly two years to persuade North Korea to back down from its threat to build up a nuclear arsenal.

North Korea, frustrated by what it calls a hostile US attitude, has voiced concerns that Washington is plotting a regime change in Pyongyang and in February announced that it had succeeded in building nuclear weapons.

The talks were scheduled to begin at 9:00 am (0100 GMT) on Tuesday, Kong said, but details on the final agenda were still being worked out.

He did not discount the possibility of a written document being produced at the meeting.

"Whether or not the talks produce a written document will depend on the outcome of the negotiations," Kong said.

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