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China, US hold first strategic dialogue
(China Daily/Xinhua)
Updated: 2005-08-02 06:09

The two countries would actively implement the consensus reached between their leaders and push forward their constructive relations and co-operation by increasing dialogue, building mutual trust, and handling differences properly.

The two sides also agreed to hold a second strategic dialogue in the United States.

The first dialogue came as a result of the consensus reached between President Hu Jintao and US President George W. Bush during the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Summit in Chile last year. The dialogues may take place twice a year.

The dialogue is a new peak in Sino-US relations, following recent frequent high-level visits and exchanges between the two countries.

During his stopover in Hong Kong on Saturday, Zoellick said he would discuss "strategic issues of common interest" such as foreign policy and the economy with senior Chinese officials. The two nations would seek negotiations rather than confrontations in tackling their conflicts and differences.

China and the United States have agreed to continue their consultations to seek a solution to textile trade disputes.

The annual session of the Joint Committee on Commerce and Trade was held on July 11 in Beijing.

The two sides agreed to set up co-operation mechanisms on cross border prosecutions for intellectual property rights violations and on the protection of copyrights for movies.

Zoellick said the discussions with Chinese officials would enable the two countries "to get a better sense of one another's interests: where there are points of mutuality - and I believe there are many; how to work co-operatively; but also, where we have differences, how best to try to manage them."
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