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    Huang mourns the passing of China's triple jump success
Chen Xiangfeng
2005-08-10 05:46

HELSINKI: After finishing ninth in women's triple jump at the World Championships here on Monday, China's top triple jumper, Huang Qiuyan, felt it was tough to bring back the good old days.

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As the only Chinese women's triple jumper to compete here, Huang tried hard to qualify for the final round. A jump of 14.21m saw her finish at ninth place and it is about half a metre shy of her personal best.

Trecia Smith of Jamaica was crowned with a leap of 15.11m.

"I do not set goals for myself. It is OK if I perform well.

"I am optimistic about everything right now. The past is past and you never know what tomorrow will bring."

That makes her remember the heyday for China, when the nation's top triple jumpers were among the world best from the late 1980s to early 90s.

Li Huirong was among the world's best, setting the first world record at 14.54 in 1990 and then winning a silver medal at the third World Indoor Athletics Championships in Spain in 1991.

She was also a winner at the 16th World University Games.

Li's blazing trail was followed by Ren Ruiping.

Ren took a bronze at 1995 World Indoor Athletics Championships and broke the junior world record.

Five months later at the 5th World Championships, Ren finished sixth with 14.25m and then picked up a seventh finish at 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
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