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Opinion: China, US need higher-level meetings
By Niu Xinchun (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-08-11 06:11

Take the two plus two (2+2) talks held early this year between Washington and Tokyo. The two countries' defence and foreign ministers participated.

Compared to the 2+2 talks, the strategic dialogue between the China and the United States is obviously at a lower level.

Though dialogue level is not the only criterion with which its importance is gauged, it is necessary for the two countries to improve their dialogue level if they are to achieve a breakthrough in strategic affairs.

Given the fragility of Sino-US political relations, regular dialogue mechanisms between the two countries are in danger of being broken off if any major conflict or controversy occurs.

According to an accord reached by China and the United States, the human rights consultation mechanism should hold two meetings every year. However, only 13 meetings had been held in the 12 years following its establishment.

The joint commercial and tradecommittee should have held 23 meetings by this year. However, the 16th meeting was convened in Beijing not long ago.

According to an agreement, China's NPC and the US Senate should hold two meetings every year, but so far only seven rounds have been convened.

Beijing and Washington set up an annual defence affairs consultation mechanism at vice-ministerial level in 1997. But the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the former Yugoslavia by US-led NATO put the brakes on the exchange, which only resumed in December 2002.

China and the United States share common views about the direction in which the strategic dialogue should be steered.

Comments made by China's foreign ministry spokesman and by Zoellick in Hong Kong demonstrate that the Sino-US strategic dialogue will surpass concrete affairs and aim to deepen mutual understanding, enhance trust and expand co-operation.
Page: 1234

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