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British PM wants world to send anti-terrorism message
Updated: 2005-09-07 17:18

British Prime Minister Tony Blair called for the world to send out a "clear and unified" message against inciting terrorism, reported AFP.

"It is time we sent out a clear and unified message from the international community and said that (inciting terrorism) is no longer legitimate," he told a news conference in the Indian capital on Wednesday.

Blair's statement came as a British source confirmed to AFP that Britain had presented a draft resolution Wednesday for next week's UN General Assembly annual debate that would commit nations to make every effort to stop people inciting others to commit terrorist acts.

The British prime minister, who is on whistle-stop swing through Asia, was speaking at the end of an India-EU trade summit in New Delhi.

"That (incitement to terrorism) is not something that can have any hiding place in respectable opinion and I think that is a necessary thing for us to say," Blair said.

Blair's government is working on domestic legislation that would ban incitement to terrorism after suicide bombers killed dozens of people on Londons subway system and a bus in July.

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