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Prosecutor, judge in CIA leak probe meet
Updated: 2005-10-27 08:37

The prosecutor in the CIA leak probe set the stage Wednesday for possible criminal charges, meeting with the grand jury that heard months of testimony and then consulting with the chief judge at the courthouse where the legal drama has unfolded.

The White House braced for at least one indictment by week's end, possibly Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. It also was worried that President Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, remained in jeopardy of being charged with false statements.

Rove awaited final word Wednesday evening about his fate, though his supporters were concerned about a personal visit Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald paid to Rove's defense lawyer and a last-minute interview with one of Rove's former colleagues.

FBI agents working for Fitzgerald checked facts this week that could be used in a case, including whether Rove made any comments to that former colleague about his contact with one of the reporters who disclosed that Bush administration critic Joseph Wilson's wife worked as an undercover CIA officer.

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, right, leaves the federal courthouse Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 in Washington after meeting for three hours with the federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA officer's identity.
Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, right, leaves the federal courthouse Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005 in Washington after meeting for three hours with the federal grand jury investigating the leak of a CIA officer's identity.[AP]
Though Fitzgerald met with Rove attorney Robert Luskin at a private law firm office Tuesday, there was no indication of a final decision on an indictment.

Fitzgerald was appointed nearly two years ago to determine whether any presidential aides violated a federal law prohibiting the intentional unmasking of an undercover CIA officer such as Valerie Plame. Her identity was divulged in July 2003 after her husband publicly criticized the administration over its use of prewar Iraq intelligence.

The prosecutor also has discussed other charges with defense lawyers in recent weeks, including false statements, obstruction of justice and mishandling of classified information. Libby and Rove have emerged as two of the key figures in the probe.

The grand jury's term expires on Friday, and the panel met with Fitzgerald's team for about three hours Wednesday before adjourning for the day. The administrative assistant to Thomas Hogan, the chief judge of U.S. District Court in the nation's capital, disclosed that Hogan met with Fitzgerald. The assistant, Sheldon Snook, declined to comment on what was discussed.
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