Jordan applauds capture of would-be bomber (AP) Updated: 2005-11-14 20:52
Responding to a TV interviewer's questions, the meek-looking al-Rishawi said
her husband made all the arrangements for the plot. He drove both of them and
two other men — apparently bombers Rawad Jassem Mohammed Abed and Safaa Mohammed
Ali, both 23 — to Amman. He also fitted her with the belt and ordered a taxi to
take them to the Radisson.
"Her weak soul, her entourage and her husband made her carry out this
horrible act because usually women are more sensitive toward such acts," said
33-year-old pharmacist Salma al-Qusous.
"But believe me, I felt disgusted (watching the confession) and this
heartless woman deserves the harshest punishment," al-Qusous said.
Investigators are still interrogating al-Rishawi, who officials believe may
provide a key link to al-Qaida in Iraq leader al-Zarqawi and provide insights
into the terror group's operations.
But questioning was slow, apparently because she still suffered from the
shock of the attacks and her subsequent arrest, a security official said Monday.
Authorities believe more people helped arrange the attacks, but it was
unclear if they were among 12 suspects arrested in connection with the