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Boys become men after family hardships
(China Daily)
Updated: 2005-12-15 06:10

In 2003, Hong was recruited by the department of economic management of the Hunan Huaihua Institute in Central China's Hunan Province.

With barely any funds, Hong had to bid farewell to his father and sister and set off alone.

Then a freshman aged 21, he continued a life of studying and working when he could. He took on a range of part-time jobs, such as selling convenience noodles and marketing advertisement.

Li Hong'e, Hong's fellow villager and college alumna, said he rarely had the chance to eat well.

"Sometimes he had rice only, flavoured with the spice of convenience noodles," she said.

Last year, little Chenchen came to join her brother in Hunan. She lived with Hong's teacher and female classmates in turn during the year.

School bosses launched an appeal for donations to help the pair after learning of the family's plight.

When donations of 3,190 yuan (US$400) were offered to Hong, his pride led him to refuse the handout.

The school instead decided to use this money to help cover Hong's tuition fees.

But he keeps refusing to accept additional donations.

"I think it is most important for a man to support himself and be strong," he said.

Without the help of the school authorities, Hong succeeded in sending little Chenchen to a primary school in the city of Huaihua himself.

And his efforts to try to keep the dwindling family unit together have been rewarded.

Hong's mother has now returned home and his long-lost younger brother has got back in contact.

Hong said his tribulations had given him the strength to face any adversities in the years to come.

"It is the love and responsibility that has driven me to hold on during the years."

"When the going gets tough, I choose to face it without considering how difficult it is or whether I can do it," said Hong, who is now seeking a job in the city.

"I want to be such a man, who brings opportunities to other people instead of myself."
Page: 1234

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