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Arroyo lifts Philippine state of emergency
Updated: 2006-03-03 21:37

The military has lowered its alert level in the capital from red to blue, which requires troops to remain in "heightened" readiness, said Capt. Ramon Zagala, spokesman for the National Capital Region command. Commanders outside the capital were allowed to decide on whether to downgrade the alert level in their areas.

U.S. Embassy spokesman Matthew Lussenhop welcomed the end of the state of emergency and said Washington looks forward to continuing to "deepen our cooperation on important issues we both face."

Arroyo said she was forced to declare the emergency because "there was a clear and present danger to the republic" as it marked the 20th anniversary of the "people power" revolt that ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986.

"One week ago, malicious destabilizers and wayward police and soldiers joined forces to exploit the emotional celebrations," Arroyo said. "They had no other goals but to sabotage our constitution and to destroy the legal government of the Philippines."

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