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MEAGOC to launch multiple competition test events

Updated: 2005-09-27 15:26

A press conference was held on 15 September at MEAGOC headquarters to announce details of the 17-18 September joint test events. The two-day tests aim to ensure the coordination of different venues, information technology and administration of the 14 sport programmes between various departments.

In order to enhance the practical operations of various departments and give experience to the volunteers, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MEAGOC, Manuel Silverio, said that 14 East Asian Games sports would be tested in 11 venues at the three competition zones. By doing this, MEAGOC can prepare for the peak periods and identify potential problem areas during the Games. Around 3,600 staff, volunteers and other officers would be involved, making it the largest deployment of human resources in the history of the test events. He stressed the four key elements of the test events: the flow of information, the operation of venues and facilities, the compatibility between competition and information technology, and the cooperation between staff and volunteers. Staff from different departments of the organising committee would gain valuable experience through this rehearsal and prepare them for the 4th East Asian Games 43 days later, said Mr. Silverio.

Director of MEAGOC, Wallis O, introduced the competition arrangements of the three venues. She indicated that the flow of the competition was the main purpose of the test events, and described the earlier individual tests as the foundation for a grander scale of operation.

In the information technology aspects, Mr. Ung Hoi Ian said that the management of the scoring system and the distribution of results was a major requirement. The organising committee will test the speed and output of data through the management of the scoring system to ensure that it can immediately and accurately deliver to three major media centres, the official website, large-sized LED, commentator's rooms and TV broadcast subtitle system. The weekend programme would fully test the operation of the systems and of the relevant departments, providing a thorough overall test before the 4th East Asian Games, he said.

In the two days of test events, Basketball, Wushu, Hockey, Dragon boat, Aquatics, Weightlifting, Gymnastics, Karate-do, Shooting, Rowing, Athletics, Dance sport, Taekwondo and Football will all be featured.

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