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Spain rail blast
Updated: 2004-03-12 10:07

Spain rail blast
A protester holds up his hands with 'ETA No' written on them during a demonstration in Almeria, Spain, Thursday March 11, 2004 to protest the attacks on trains in Madrid that killed at least 192 people and injured another 1,200.  [AP]
Spain rail blast
A sign reads 'For the children, victims of this injust attack' during a candle vigil outside Madrid's Santa Eugenia train station after an estimated 192 people were killed by bombs placed in commuter trains March 11, 2004 during the morning rush-hour in Madrid in Spain's worst terrorist attack ever. [AP]
Spain rail blast
Unidentified relatives arrive at the Madrid morgue on March 11, 2004. Spain's interior minister said a suspect van had been found near Madrid, the scene of the bombings that killed 192 people, containing seven detonators and a tape in Arabic. Interior Minister Angel Acebes said the tape contained recordings of verses from the Koran. [Reuters]

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