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Gun-toting Telfair faces NBA discipline
Updated: 2006-02-16 08:57

PORTLAND, United States (AFP) - Portland Trail Blazers guard Sebastian Telfair faces National Basketball Association discipline for carrying a handgun on a team flight, even though he did so inadvertently.

The Trail Blazers confirmed on Wednesday that a flight attendant discovered a handgun inside of Telfair's handmade pillow during a trip from Boston to Toronto.

Local authorities in Massachusetts were notified immediately and accepted Telfair's explanation that he had grabbed his girlfriend's bag by mistake when he left for the team's flight.

The bag contained a gun that she purchased from a licensed gun seller in Oregon for her personal protection. Telfair discovered the gun during the flight and placed it inside his own pillow instead of notifying team officials.

Authorities determined no illegal activity took place and closed their investigation.

But Telfair will likely be disciplined for violating league and team policy related to its ban on all firearms on team transportation.

"While it appears that the authorities have determined Sebastian initially made an innocent mistake, he clearly compounded the situation by making the wrong choice by not notifying the team's traveling security agent about his situation immediately," Trail Blazers president Steve Patterson said. "He has apologized profusely, but he knows he must be held accountable for his actions.

"He will pay the price for his error in judgment for violating both team and league policy."

Telfair, 20, is averaging 9.2 points and 3.8 assists in 38 games this season.

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