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Claim one's life


然而,27日的一起重大交通事故为残奥会闭幕式蒙上了一丝阴影,一辆公车在载一批师生赴雅典观赛的途中与一辆运载玻璃的卡车相撞并起火,至少7名高中生当场死亡,12人受重伤。外电报道如下:The Paralympic Games have been overshadowed by a tragic road accident that claimed the lives of seven high school students who were travelling to Athens to attend the competitions. Yesterday's Closing Ceremony was therefore limited to protocol segments, such as the entry of athletes, the speech by the IPC President, Phil Craven, the handover of the Paralympic flag to the Beijing Organising Committee and the extinguishing of the flame. Claim one's life表示“夺走某人的生命”,因为claim有“索取,索赔,认领,申请”等多种含义。



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