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请看报道:Chinese Sunday extended its dominance in swimming at the East Asian Games as what it had done since thekick-offof the races to clinch four out of last seven events, piling up total 33 golds from 40 races.

kickoff的本意是“足球中的开球、开赛时间”,如:The kickoff is at 4 o' clock.(足球赛今天下午4时开赛。)在口语中,kickoff 常被用来表示“(社交集会、比赛等)开始、序幕”,报道中的kickoff正是此意。例如:The dance marked the kickoff of the charity's fund drive.(舞会标志着该慈善机构募集基金运动的开始。)

kickoff的动词形式是kick off。如:An increase in oil price increase would kick off a new round of inflation.(石油价格的上涨将引起新一轮的通货膨胀。)


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