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foul out


外电报道如下:Yao scored 14 of his season-best 30 points in the final period, butfouled outand could not prevent the Rockets from taking their seventh straight defeat, a 94-89 loss to the Chicago Bulls.

Foul在体育比赛中,如足球、篮球、拳击中,可表示“犯规”,比如:a foul boxing match(拳击比赛中犯规的一击);报道中提到姚明“被罚下场”,用的是foul out。Foul 是“犯规”,那么foul out就是因犯规超过限定次数而被罚下场。此外,disqualification也经常用来表达此意,简写为DQ。


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