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请看外电报道:Saddam sat stone-faced as the woman, identified only as "WitnessA," told the court from behind a light blue curtain that she was taken into custody after the 1982 assassination attempt against the former Iraqi president in the town of Dujail.

Witness 这个词大家并不陌生,报道中作名词用,指的是“(法庭上的)证人”,如,to call a witness in sb.'s defense(请证人为某人辩护)。Witness 还可表示“见证人;目击者”,a witness of the accident,意思就是“事故的目击者”;He is the witness of their wedding.(他是他们婚礼的见证人。)

Witness 还可作动词用,表示“亲眼目睹”,如,We witnessed tremendous changes in the city.(我们亲眼目睹了城市的巨大变化。)


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