Singer Paul McCartney (R) and his wife, Heather, pet aharp sealpupafter flying out to an icefloein the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada March 2, 2006. The couple arrived for a two day visit to the east coast of Canada to protest the killing of harp seal pups. The annual Canadian seal hunt is scheduled to begin later in the month. (Reuters)
A harp seal pup lies on the ice as singer Paul McCartney and his wife, Heather, hold a media briefing on an ice floe in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada March 2, 2006. The couple arrived for a two day visit to the east coast of Canada to protest the killing of harp seal pups. The annual Canadian seal hunt is scheduled to begin later in the month. (Reuters)
harp seal: 格陵兰海豹
pup: the young of certain other animals, such as the seal (幼崽)
floe: a segment that has separated from such an ice mass (浮冰)
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